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Recording Results

Results are entered from the class page. Results can be entered real time using the built-in stop watch or after the fact from the judge’s score sheets.

Click on the enter results link for the exhibitor you want to record results for.

Enter Results Links

The Enter Results dialog will open.

Enter Results Dialog

If using the built-in stop watch click the start and stop buttons appropriately. Click the check box for the appropriate Area to copy the time from the stop watch. Repeat for the 2nd area if applicable. Enter any faults and check the appropriate result. Click save and close.

If you are entering results from the judge’s score sheet check the appropriate results checkbox.

If qualified enter all 6 digits of the time without the colons. For example for 1 minute 32 seconds and 15 hundredths enter 013215.

If NQ, Excused or Disqualified select or enter a reason.

Enter any faults and Click save and close.

The placement will be automatically calculated and the entry list will be resorted. If the dogs are coming in in the correct order the next dog will be on line one.

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