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ByRichard Beezley
First let me sincerely thank you for interest myCFT (my Conformation Trial). I believe you will find it to be a useful and helpful tool in administrating UKC Conformation Shows.
The myCFT application is a desktop software application that assists with all of the administrative tasks of holding a UKC Conformation Show. The application and data are stored on your local PC, so there is no concern with data privacy.
A few of the major features are:
- Record all of the required information of an exhibitor.
- Record the Shows and Classes an exhibitor has entered.
- Track judges and steward information.
- Print pre-filled Judge’s books for the judge
- Automated population of UKC Catalog.
- Print Exhibitor Armband Labels.
- Email Exhibitor confirmation of their entry, results and an invitation to your next trial
The application is made up of 3 Microsoft Access databases.
- The myCFT_application file contains the queries, forms, reports and code of the application.
- The application file is linked to the two data files. You can view the location of the data files the application is currently linked to on the about box.
- The myCFT_data file stores your events, shows, classes and entries.
- The myShare file stores your club, dogs and people. It is named myShare because it can be shared with my other applications saving you from having to re-enter all your dogs and people.

- The About box will also tell you the version of the application and the Microsoft Access version you are running. You also tells you the location of your two data files.
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