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Add a New Dog
Click the “Add a New Dog” button on the home page ribbon to open the Add a New Dog dialog box. The dog, owner and handler are stored separately in the database because an owner or handler can have more than one dog and this keeps you from having to enter duplicate information.
The ASCA Number, Registered Name, Breed, Owner and Handler Name are required fields and must be entered to save the Dog’s record. The large box to the right is for attachments and is a nice place to place a picture of the dog.
The Exhibitor ID number is automatically assigned based on the ID number assigned to the Dog by the mySCT application. It is displayed as New until the first field is entered. Displaying it on this screen is helpful when doing Day of Show entries.
If the owner and\or handler already exists, simply choose their name from the drop down list on the Owner and Handler Details tabs. An owner and a handler must be selected. Most times this will be the same person, but if a person has two dogs competing in the same class they will need someone else to handle one of their dogs. This is when you would select that person as the handler for that dog, but leave the owner as the actual owner of the dog.
If not, click the edit list icon (pictured circled next to this line which will appear at the bottom when the Owner or Handler Name drop down box is expanded.
This will open the Add a New Person page. Complete the information and click “Save and Close”.