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Add a New Show
Click the “Add a New Show” button on the home page ribbon to open the Add a New Show dialog box.
The information at the show level are things that would be common to the entire show such as the host club, trial chairman, trial secretary and entry fees. Complete the information and click the Save and Close button.
Be sure to enter a unique and meaningful show name. This will make identifying the show easier in other parts of the application.
mySCT is licensed to a specific club for its trials only. The club information should be one of the first things set up and only needs to be done once.
If you are using mySCT for multiple clubs each club needs a valid license.
Only clubs with a valid license will appear in the drop down for Host Club.
NOTE: ONLY People who have been marked as Steward, Trial Chair or Secretary in the Roles tab of the people section will appear in the Drop down for Chairman or Secretary