OwnerForum Replies Created
I used to do this, but the network setup is quite technical. I now use myK9Q which does the data entry leaving me the ability to still verify and print stuff. Highly recommend it if your venue has decent access to the Internet.
Hi Beverly. I’m planning on doing the same thing. It is my understanding, as well, that you can delete the classes from myK9Q and start again at show time, so why not open it up for people to play with? Our trial is in not quite three weeks, but I plan on giving our volunteers all of the passcode (except Administrator, of course) very soon since I already have those dogs entered and they can play with their own dogs in their own classes; and then plan to give the Exhibitor passcode to all handlers with some basic instructions just after trial closing. The night before the show I plan on deleting everything from myK9Q and reloading it all. Richard, does this sound OK with you?
Hi Beverly. Are you saying that in Interior Master, for instance, that competitors can see what the previous handlers scored in each room? We also plan to use it for the first time soon, but it appears the time for a given handler is not logged (or “Saved” by the judge’s assistant) until ALL rooms have been completed. I think the time shown for completed runs in myK9Q is the total for all three rooms.
Is your e-mail program open when you “send” them?
It took a fair amount of practice, but I finally conditioned myself to enter the correct fee when inputting the check number on the Enter Dog in Classes page. Different fee for Novice thru Excellent, Master and Detective. If I forgot to enter the fee there I would then need to go into Entries List, but I really tried to avoid going there if at all possible.
To take this a step further, if you save your partially used label forms, you can use one of them to print your single label by entering how many empty slots on the used label form to skip. Count from left to right and top down. Also works when printing results labels, like when there are only three qualifiers and you have a label sheet where the first five labels have already been used. In this example, put “5” in the “Enter Number of Used Labels to Skip on First Page”. Pretty slick feature!
Please see “One dog, two handlers” discussion below. The way to change it depends on where you are in the “Enter dog in class” process.
I believe one way to do it is to via the Class Entries List page. Get into the class for that trial for that show and click Class Entries List on the ribbon above. The display should be in two parts, the top half showing a formatted report of a selected dog, and the bottom half showing a list of all the dogs in the class. Click anywhere on the line on the bottom half for the dog you want to change. You should then see the information for that dog formatted on the top half of the page. Double-check you are looking at the correct dog and change the Handler to the name you want. Click Save at the top and close the Entries List tab. Now click Score Sheets on the top ribbon and click Specific Armband Number. Enter the armband number for the dog you just changed and click OK. This is a test to make sure the resulting scoresheet displayed has the correct handler name on it. Please note: We should all be quite careful when working in the Entries List page. I wouldn’t say it’s akin to adjusting the rods in a nuclear reactor, but not paying attention to every move and key stroke can lead to some unpleasant consequences.
Hi Jane.
One of the nice things about mySWT is that you do not need Internet to run mySWT. Sometimes I will use my Android (or wife’s Apple) cell phone and turn on a hotspot to send an e-mail confirmation via mySWT to someone who requested a move-up during the trial (Show / Email / Email confirmation), but then I turn off the hotspot right away when done sending it out.
Some clubs have been using notification apps that allow handlers to get an idea of how soon their next run will be. I was told of one that needed Internet and the use of Apple iPads. Not for us. Other apps, like Remind, use much simpler text messaging from any phone. Now we’re talkin’.
So, no worries. You can easily get by without the need for Internet to use mySWT.
Hi Jane. This might be too late for you, but I think you might be asking about the Entry Counts report. On the Show page click Show Reports in the top ribbon, then select Entry Counts. It will show all of the classes for all of the trials. The report starts with Show Counts, then has a section of Trial Counts and finally has a section for Judging Counts. The Judging Counts report comes in handy when trying to reconcile the number of runs and amount of time a judge will have for a given trial against AKC recommendations.