Fouled up association of myShare
User error…..I thought I had myShare identified properly in NWT and OBT. I was entering info for an upcoming NW trial and noticed that dogs and people that I know I have in the database were not in the data. I discovered that they were in the OBT app, but not in the NW app. So I had to re-enter them in the NW app. I discovered that yes, the two apps are pointing to different myShare locations. I suspect this is not easily resolvable as I suspect each person have unique IDs and they now are different in the two myShare files. I don’t want to disturb anything now as we have y event in late April.
After our Rally trial in late April, would you suggest I just delete everything and start new with properly associated data files? After the April event, Our next event is in October. Is there a way to export all the data from each app into some other format (like excel) so I at least have the records saved electronically.
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