Home Forums Nosework Fouled up association of myShare

  • Fouled up association of myShare

    Posted by Jerry Ranch on 03/04/2023 at 2:32 PM

    User error…..I thought I had myShare identified properly in NWT and OBT. I was entering info for an upcoming NW trial and noticed that dogs and people that I know I have in the database were not in the data. I discovered that they were in the OBT app, but not in the NW app. So I had to re-enter them in the NW app. I discovered that yes, the two apps are pointing to different myShare locations. I suspect this is not easily resolvable as I suspect each person have unique IDs and they now are different in the two myShare files. I don’t want to disturb anything now as we have y event in late April.

    After our Rally trial in late April, would you suggest I just delete everything and start new with properly associated data files? After the April event, Our next event is in October. Is there a way to export all the data from each app into some other format (like excel) so I at least have the records saved electronically.

    Jerry Ranch replied 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Richard Beezley

    03/04/2023 at 4:06 PM


    You can export dogs and people into excel.

    You are correct about the IDs. I would suggest taking the myShare that has the most dogs and make it your master from this point forward. There will probably be some dogs that you will lose their show history because of the ID numbers. But better than starting over.

  • Jerry Ranch

    03/04/2023 at 6:17 PM

    Thats a plan thanks much

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