Home Forums Scent Work Fee levels

  • Fee levels

    Posted by Laura on 01/20/2023 at 10:15 PM

    We offer 3 different entry fee levels: regular ($22), junior ($15), and detective ($40). The only way I have found to deal with this is to enter the dogs in their classes and then manually change the cost and payment in the “show entries list” tab. Any other ideas?

    Ken replied 2 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Laura

    01/20/2023 at 10:17 PM

    BTW, I know many people might just do this all in Excel, and I do too, but I like to generate a “financial” report to proofread my entries and verify that the participant has sent correct payment.

  • Terri Rothwell

    01/21/2023 at 12:24 PM


    I also go entries to adjust payments.


  • Ken

    01/23/2023 at 5:55 PM

    It took a fair amount of practice, but I finally conditioned myself to enter the correct fee when inputting the check number on the Enter Dog in Classes page. Different fee for Novice thru Excellent, Master and Detective. If I forgot to enter the fee there I would then need to go into Entries List, but I really tried to avoid going there if at all possible.

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