Home Forums Scent Work Internet needed during trial Reply To: Internet needed during trial

  • Ken

    04/07/2021 at 9:16 AM

    Hi Jane.

    One of the nice things about mySWT is that you do not need Internet to run mySWT. Sometimes I will use my Android (or wife’s Apple) cell phone and turn on a hotspot to send an e-mail confirmation via mySWT to someone who requested a move-up during the trial (Show / Email / Email confirmation), but then I turn off the hotspot right away when done sending it out.

    Some clubs have been using notification apps that allow handlers to get an idea of how soon their next run will be. I was told of one that needed Internet and the use of Apple iPads. Not for us. Other apps, like Remind, use much simpler text messaging from any phone. Now we’re talkin’.

    So, no worries. You can easily get by without the need for Internet to use mySWT.